Be Present, Stay Balanced:

Join Our Meditation Classes in Killara, Sydney

We host 3 different monthly mindfulness & meditation classes for you to practice being present and regulated.  

  • Buy a single pass or a pack of passes if you wish to attend multiple classes, the pass can be used for all classes offered below.
  • Whilst no experience is necessary, if you are looking for an introduction to meditation, please consider our learn to meditate program Find Your Zen.
  • With the exception of our women’s circle which, as the name suggests, is for women only, everyone is welcome at all of our classes. 

Women's Circle

What is Women's Circle

Come closer dear sister

let me show you to your seat in the circle…

This is your seat of practice: a place of awakening, a place of shedding,

a place of remembering.

That which you are longing for is who you already are.

Exhale, amazing one, you have arrived.

Time to reclaim that which never left you.

  • Embodiment

  • Reclamation

  • Transcendence

  • Empowerment

  • Interaction

Women’s circle is a monthly gathering where women meet for an embodied exploration of feminine spirituality. Our practices are not religious or intended to attain any goal; it’s a process of melting and unravelling that which shrouds the peace, wisdom and beauty already inherent in each woman. 

If you have already purchased a pass or a packageclick here to be taken to the calendar to book your class of choice. Please use the unique code you were sent when you signed up to complete the booking. Numbers are strictly limited, so book to avoid disappointment.

What is Walking Meditation

With every step, 

feel the earth beneath your feet,

you are walking here, now in this moment.

With every breath, 

experience the vast sky over head,

you are breathing it in, here, now in this moment.

With every movement,

follow the meandering stream,

you are the water, flowing effortlessly, here, now in this moment.

With every bird song,

listen to the birds in the trees,

you are part of their symphony, here, now in this moment.

You are here, now, in this moment,

Not separate from nature, but one with it.

  • Peace and Presence

  • Forest Bathing

Walking meditation, also known as mindfulness walking, is a dynamic form of meditation that involves taking mindful steps in nature.

It is not exercise and it is not a nature walk, although you may experience both, it is mindfulness in action.

This unique form of meditation has its origins in Buddhist monastic practice and can be practiced by anyone who can walk on unsealed ground.

Unlike sitting meditation, walking meditation offers both movement and connection with the outdoors, which is beneficial for anyone with a busy mind, constantly on the go, who finds it hard to slow down and be still.

The rhythmic movement of the hips, calms the brain, bringing the practitioner into a blissful state of peace and presence with the moment.

From the Blog

Meditation Meetup

Meditation Meetups

Come sit for a while.

Settle into your seat and 

Turn your focus inward, 

Away from the needs of the outside world,

Away from your worries,

Away from your responsibilities & commitments.

Close your eyes.

Drop into the stillness

Beneath the stream of thoughts, 

Beneath the never-ending to do lists,

Beneath the shoulds, musts & have to’s.

Come sit for a while.

  • Peace and Presence

  • The Practice

Whether you are a graduate of Find Your Zen, our learn to meditate program, or you have learned & practised meditation previously, this group is open to anyone looking for the support of an experienced teacher to develop their meditation practice.

Each session includes:

·      A theme relating to the human experience.

·      A 20-minute practice to settle your mind and move into a deep state of relaxation.

·      A comments and questions time to ask questions and receive one-to-one support in developing your own practice.

·      A chance to connect with like-minded people in the group.

·      Tea & water.

If you have already purchased a pass or a packageclick here to be taken to the calendar to book your class of choice. Please use the unique code you were sent when you signed up to complete the booking. Numbers are strictly limited, so book to avoid disappointment.



Cancer survivor

Tania saved my life. I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer which led to a full mastectomy.  I worked with Tania over several months to reduce my stress, quell my fear and manage the chemo induced nausea.  My boys were in Primary school at the time and my biggest fear was that I wouldn’t see them grow up.

  Tania mindfully guided me through with mindfulness amongst other things and I have not only been cancer free since, but I have lived to see both my sons graduate from High school.  

My life is very different now and I feel indebted to Tania for her expertise, care & support. We were swimming against the odds, but we triumphed and I have no doubt whatsoever the meditation and wellbeing coaching were our secret weapon.



General Practitioner

As a GP with diabetes, I was very sceptical of the holistic benefits of meditation, but the numbers don’t lie.  

Consistently after my meditation session with Tania my blood glucose levels would be right where I wanted them to be.

 I have referred many clients to her over the years and while not everyone of them has shared the same benefits, I’ve noticed that those who put the effort in, do.  

Tania is a good teacher who is approachable and real.

Meet Tania

Tania Burgess, Meditation Facilitator, Counsellor and Founder of Turn UP Your Zen, has more than a decade of experience working in the wellbeing industry.  

She is driven to help individuals change their lives through delivering quality retreats and classes that cultivate inner peace, clarity and connection.

If you would prefer to work privately one-to-one, book your 15-minute discovery call here, or purchase a session or pack here and schedule your first meeting via zoom or face to face now.