Welcome to our courses dashboard. All Turn UP Your Zen courses are displayed on this dashboard, however you will only be able to gain access to the course content to the course you have purchased.
Some courses provide all access and other programs have been specifically designed for accumulated effect, with each practice building on the one before. Modules are released intermittently during the course so if you do come across a module you may not yet have access to, I urge you to take the opportunity to pause, revisit the modules that are available to you and look out in your inbox for further module release details.
Warm regards, Tania
Not started
Eating for your type – The Ayurveda Way introduces you to the yogic way of eating, with a focus on understanding your body constitution and how to use food as medicine, not just fuel, keeping you in balance by starting first with the gut.
10 Sessions - None
Not started
Turn UP Your Zen is a nine month membership program for people who are ready to change their story, nourish themselves body mind & soul, so life has more purpose, joy & meaning. The membership includes 7 1-to-1 coaching sessions, a 3 day retreat, 2 x one day retreats, 2 workshops and 24/7 access to online resources.
7 Sessions - None
Subscribers only
Not started
Find Your Zen online your way at your own pace, in your chosen surroundings.
32 Sessions - None
Subscribers only
Not started
Over the coming modules, you will discover 6 techniques to keep your cool, remaining present & focused at work, home & play.
33 Sessions - None